All Things Typescript Newsletter - Issue #2
Hi, and thank you for subscribing to my new All Things Typescript newsletter; this weeks’ issue is dropping on a Monday, as will all subsequent issues.
We had an eventful week last week, with the Type as comment syntax proposal from the Typescript Team being the highlight.
In this issue, I have curated a few interesting articles to help you in your journey of learning Typescript and added a few tweets that were notable and very educational. I hope you will enjoy this weeks’ issue and if you have any feedback, please get in touch with me on Twitter - @mwycliffe_dev or via email: me@mainawycliffe.dev.
Thank you.
A Proposal For Type Syntax in JavaScript - TypeScript
Today we’re excited to announce our support and collaboration on a new Stage 0 proposal to bring optional and erasable type syntax to JavaScript. Because this new syntax wouldn’t change how surrounding code runs, it would effectively act as comments. We think this has the potential to make TypeScript easier and faster to use for development at every scale.
Top Articles
TypeScript Readonly Utility type
This is the last of the commonly known interface modifying utility types. Do note there are a few more, but we’ll get to those in a later stage as they are a bit more advanced.
The higher order of types
Bringing the type safety in your TypeScript projects to a whole new level. I can’t imagine starting a serious project using only plain old JavaScript. With all my respect to the de facto lingua franca of the web, I’ve been totally sold to TypeScript for several months now.
Moving from JavaScript to TypeScript
Introduction I have been a JavaScript developer for many years and I did not really have much intention to go outside of my technical stack. There is a lot of safety in sticking with what you already know and trying to learn too many programming lang…
Translating API responses into type-safe interfaces with TypeScript | by Marcin Baraniecki | Mar, 2022 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
HTTP APIs using JSON as a data exchange format are characterized by a fundamental flaw: information about types is discarded the moment the data is serialized from the web service’s programming…
Using automated runtime data validation decorators in TypeScript | by David Herron | Mar, 2022 | ITNEXT
A new package for TypeScript enables us to automatically check validity of runtime data, without having to explicitly call a validation library. Instead, the runtime-data-validation package lets us…
The TypeScript team is going to kill JavaScript | by Crizant Lai | CodeX | Mar, 2022 | Medium
When you read this title, you must be thinking: The TypeScript team is making some new features to attract developers so that no one will ever code plain JavaScript anymore? No.
Using the React children prop with TypeScript - LogRocket Blog
Learn the different methods of declaring types for React children props to create reusable components with Typescript.