All Things Typescript Newsletter - Issue #15 - A Community for All Things Typescript
Good morning; I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I attended a Google IO Extended event this weekend at Eldoret, Kenya, where I gave a talk on the state of Angular and enjoyed meeting and interacting with fellow developers.
In this issue, I wanted to cover Classed in Typescript, unfortunately, as I spent most of the weekend traveling, I was unable to find enough time to wrap up the topic, so I will push it to next week, where I will cover two topics instead of one.
Last week I announced that I was creating a community for All Things Typescript, and I am happy to announce I have created a community where we can learn from each other. For more information, check the announcement section below.
As always, we have a curated list of articles and tweets that I hope you will find enlightening and helpful in your journey to learn and understand typescript.
I hope you have a fantastic week ahead and happy learning.
Announcements 📢
All Things Typescript Community
I am very excited to announce that I have created a community for All Things Typescript in discord, where we can meet, discuss and learn Typescript together. You can join the discord server here.
Blog - Next.js 12.2 | Next.js
Next.js 12.2 introduces stable Middleware and On-Demand ISR, experimental Edge SSR and API Routes, and more!
How to extend enums in TypeScript
TypeScript is well-loved by the developer community for many reasons, one of which is because of the static checks it provides to the code written in it.
The dark side of Record in TypeScript - DEV Community
Record is a global utility type provided by TypeScript that constructs an object type whose keys are… Tagged with typescript.
My Favourite Tools for Working With JavaScript
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How to Write Less Code for More Money
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How to Create and Publish React TypeScript npm Package With Demo and Automated Build
Why did I decide to write one more article about publishing npm packages? When I needed to create such a package by myself, I found that most of the instructions on the internet were either outdated or very short and useless in production.
Write Better Commits, Build Better Projects
How often have you found yourself thinking: What’s the point of this code? Isn’t this option deprecated? Is this comment out-of-date? I don’t think it describes what I’m seeing.